We are now collecting tyres NATIONWIDE!
Treadlite™ offers a tyre collection service to recycle into a range of our premium products

Treadlite is an approved collector for Tyrewise
We are proud to be a part of the Tyrewise scheme, New Zealand’s regulated product stewardship scheme for end-of-life tyres, turning tyre waste into opportunity. Tyrewise begins September 1st, are you ready? We are here to help you through this transition, please view our step-by-step flyer and or contact Sue for any help on tyrecollections@treadlite.co.nz
OUR PRODUCTS & services
Treadlite New Zealand is reducing the environmental impact of tyres ending up in landfill. By recycling tyres into premium material used for equestrian arenas, play surfaces and much more!
Arena Mix
Spread over or mixed with sand, Arena Mix is a premium equestrian surface made from a mix of four different elements of recycled rubber tyres – shred, crumb, fibre and fines.
Used for playground matting, artificial sports fields, mats and gym flooring. Granules are made from recycled tyres right here in Cambridge, New Zealand.
Tyre Collections
Save tyres from being sent to landfills with our convenient tyre collection service and we’ll convert the tyres into our growing range of premium products.
Our Collective Environmental
Impact & Mission
Every year in New Zealand, more than 7.75 million tyres reach their end of life, and most end up in landfill or being burnt overseas – that’s approximately 73,700 tonnes too many.
Our vision is simple at Treadlite New Zealand – ‘Our Place, Our Problem’. We’re on a mission to convert this waste stream from landfill to useful, by repurposing used tyres and manufacturing high-value new products.
We’ve scoured the world to find recycling and manufacturing solutions to this problem, and are proud to deliver Treadlite Premium Horse Arena Mix as our first product – but this is just the beginning of our journey.
Got Further Questions?
Request an email or call back from one of our friendly team using the form below.
+64 21 928 231
South Island Sales
+64 27 206 1737
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