Arena Mix Calculator

Treadlite™ produces its premium equestrian surface from recycled rubber. Calculate how much you’ll need for your Arena and get an idea of pricing.

Pricing Guide

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Why Use Treadlite
Premium Horse Arena Mix

Here’s why New Zealand equestrian riders are choosing to ride on Treadlite:

Protects Horses' Hooves

Less wear and tear on horses’ hooves

Better Impact Absorption

Rubber reduces concussion on joints

Lively Surface

Better take off for jumping

Reduced Glare

Reduced light reflection off arena surface

Even Spread

Maintains more even spread than traditional sand surfaces

Reduced Dust

Rubber layering means less sand dust while riding

Less Rain Affected

Remains less affected by rainfall than traditional sand surfaces

Suitable for any base

Can be used alone over base-course, spread on top of sand, or mixed in with sand

You can now pay for Treadlite with your Farmlands Card.

More about Treadlite
Arena Mix

What is Treadlite Arena Mix?

The recycling process at Treadlite’s Cambridge purpose-built facility takes end-of-life tyres through a triple-treated refinery process with a series of shredders and magnets to produce a consistent material specifically designed for horse arenas.

Treadlite has worked alongside professional equestrian riders to develop and test a premium mix of recycled rubber to cover arenas, with many benefits including reducing dust, glare and impact on horses. We are proud to see competition equestrian centres and private horse arenas across New Zealand now choosing to use Treadlite. Find out more about treadlite arena mix and the benefits for you and your horse by clicking the button below.


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